Gourvitz Firm Successfully Has Women and Her Two Children Relocate (Interstate Removal) to Florida Despite Court Expert’s Recommendation For Them To Stay In New Jersey

A Mother wanted to relocate back to Florida with her children (from New Jersey) against the Father’s wishes.  The Father vehemently opposed the move.  As part of Mother’s Divorce Complaint, she asked the Court to grant her permission to move with the Children–a concept known as interstate removal.  The Court appointed a psychologist to assist the Court to determine the mother’s request.  The Court appointed psychologist recommended against the move stating it would not be in the children’s best interest.  After intensive cross-examination of the expert at his deposition, intensive analysis and research in debunking his foundations and analysis, and retention of Mother’s own expert, the Court appointed expert recanted.  In fact, he aided in convincing the father to accede to the interstate removal of the mother and the children.

Gourvitz & Gourvitz LLC.

New Jersey
505 Morris Avenue
Suite 102
Springfield, New Jersey 07081
Telephone: (973) 467-3200
New York: (212) 586-1700
Fax: (973) 467-4091
New York
Telephone: (212) 586-1700


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*Note that no aspect of Super Lawyer’s and Avvo advertisement have been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey. Click here to view the awards and methodology of Super Lawyer’s and Avvo.