
A New Jersey family law judge in the Mantle v. Mantle case refused to enforce a consent agreement which provided an indefinite ban on such activity. absent any evidence of inappropriate conduct. recognizing the changing societal morays of the 1970’s the judge said each case must be evaluated: 1. How long the parties have lived […]


Splitsville Stress: Divorce Linked to Higher Heart Attack Risk -Stress As A Result of A Divorce Ranks Higher than Going to Jail or Starting A New Job Says Experts.

STATEN ISLAND JUDGE OKs SERVING LEGAL PAPERS VIA FACEBOOK Social-media users, beware — that next Facebook “poke” could be from a process server. In a groundbreaking court ruling, a Staten Island man got permission to use Facebook to serve his ex-wife legal notice that he doesn’t want to pay any more child support. A Family […]

Governor Christie on Wednesday September 3, 2014 signed legislation that gives Judge’s somewhat clearer guidance about how to handle issues of alimony in general, cohabiting, retirement, and unemployment. While the new law codifies some existing case law and shall we say “rules of thumb” that Judges in essence utilize, it still leaves a lot of […]

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