
Sad departure

Child abduction, usually involving one parent, is becoming more rampant in this multi-cultural age with parents of diverse nationalities. In this blog, we address parental abduction to other states or countries, and not the other forms of sordid abduction such as kidnapping for ransom or sex trafficking. This blog also centers on the New York […]

New Jersey palimony statute does not void agreements that were made before 2010. New Jersey’s law on palimony, which requires contracts between unwed partners to be in writing, does not apply to oral agreements forged prior to enactment of the 2010 law, the State Supreme Court has held. The 2010 palimony law, N.J.S.A. 25:1-5, amended […]

STATEN ISLAND JUDGE OKs SERVING LEGAL PAPERS VIA FACEBOOK Social-media users, beware — that next Facebook “poke” could be from a process server. In a groundbreaking court ruling, a Staten Island man got permission to use Facebook to serve his ex-wife legal notice that he doesn’t want to pay any more child support. A Family […]

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