Domestic Torts

Gourvitz & Gourvitz, LLC. has been in the forefront in defending and prosecuting domestic torts. These type of actions in New Jersey are commonly called Tevis claims. These are tort claims such as transmission of sexual diseases, infection with an STD by one’s spouse, marital rape, wrongful death, intentional infliction of emotional distress, defamation, use of excess force, false imprisonment, physical assault and battery, wiretapping, battered women’s syndrome, and many other acts that can be classified as marital torts. In a divorce action proving these claims may result in substantial financial awards to the victim in additional to their fair share equitable distribution and support.

Elliot H. Gourvitz is the author of Domestic Torts in New Jersey, published by the New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education in 1994 with a supplement in 1996. The book includes forms and sample complaints and may be purchased from the New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education, One Constitution Square, New Brunswick, New Jersey 8101-1500.

Domestic Torts in New Jersey (This a large file and may take longer to load)
Domestic Tort Forms (This a large file and may take longer to load)

Gourvitz & Gourvitz LLC.

New Jersey
505 Morris Avenue
Suite 102
Springfield, New Jersey 07081
Telephone: (973) 467-3200
New York: (212) 586-1700
Fax: (973) 467-4091
New York
Telephone: (212) 586-1700


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