Domestic Violence

Gourvitz & Gourvitz, LLC.  successfully represented both victims and defendants accused of domestic violence.  The attorney(s) have done so since the first enactment of the Domestic Violence Act. They prepare their client’s who are victims with knowledge about their protection, and how to prepare and to avoid an assault. They have successfully defended defendants who are unjustly accused of domestic violence through thorough trial preparation and factual research.

They have written the quintessential book on domestic violence:

Domestic Violence Source Book

Domestic Violence Source Book(2003-2004 Ed.) by Elliot H. Gourvitz and Ari H. Gourvitz

Domestic Violence Source Book (2nd Ed. 2014) by Elliot H. Gourvitz, Ari H. Gourvitz, and Melissa Gourvitz

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Gourvitz & Gourvitz LLC.

New Jersey
505 Morris Avenue
Suite 102
Springfield, New Jersey 07081
Telephone: (973) 467-3200
New York: (212) 586-1700
Fax: (973) 467-4091
New York
Telephone: (212) 586-1700


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